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ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、 何卒ご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。

愛知大学名古屋キャンパス(愛知県名古屋市中村区)で11月4、5の両日行われた学園祭「愛知大学ささしま祭」に、名古屋で電動キックボードシェアリングサービス、 Su_i(スーイ)を展開している当社、Crystal株式会社(本社:名古屋市西区、代表取締役社長:蒼佐ファビオ)はSu_iを出展、大学構内に設けられた試乗スペースでの無料試乗会を2日間にわたって実施させていただきました。

試乗会は、大学南側の道路を利用して設けた試乗スペースで行いました。初ライドの前に、当社スタッフからSu_iの各部パーツの説明、ブレーキやアクセルの使用法、乗り方のポイントなどをお伝えし、学園祭に参加された皆様に、正しく安全に、 そして快適に試乗いただけるよう配慮しました。


また、今年の愛知大学ささしま祭では、様々な企業・団体と学生が繋がれる場を作りたい、との観点から「学園祭と就職活動のコラボレーション」という初の試みが行われました。校舎内の教室で行われた合同就職活動説明会に愛知県警、名古屋市消防局、海上保安庁などと共に当社も参加、会社紹介や当社の事業内容について、参加された学生の皆様は熱心に耳を傾けて下さいました。個別の教室でも会社説明会を実施し、多くの皆様にご来場いただきました。 愛知大学様、また愛知大学名古屋校舎ささしま祭実行委員会の皆様、試乗会と就職活動説明会という貴重な機会をいただきまして、このたびは誠にありがとうございました。

全世界で7,000回以上開催され、50万人を超える人々が参加しているスタートアップの実践イベント「Startup Weekend(スタートアップ・ウィークエンド、以下SW)」。金曜日から日曜日までの3日間で仲間作りをしつつ、新しい事業のアイデアのプロトタイプを作っていく、 起業のコミュニティとして知られています。

このSWが、10月20日の午後6時から22日午後8時まで、OKB Harmony Plaza名駅(愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅4丁目)で「SW名古屋2023」として開催され、 当社はイベントの協賛で参画させていただきました。

週末を活用してアイデアを形にしていくスタートアップ体験イベントであるSW。金曜夜、参加者がアイデアを発表するところから、SWは始まります。 個々のアイデアに共感したメンバーと一緒にチームを作り、日曜夕方までにビジネスモデルを作り上げる、という流れです。週末の3日間、参加された学生や社会人の皆様の間では、コーチ役の起業家らの助言を受けつつ、熱い議論が交わされ、さまざまな新規事業のアイデアが形になっていきました。

協賛した当社からは、SW名古屋2023に参加された皆様全員にSu_iのクーポンの特典を、またイベントで優勝された方には、2024年3月末までお使いいただける乗り放題アカウントを提供させていただきました。熱気を帯びたウィークエンドに、当社も大きな刺激をいただきました。主催者の皆様、協賛各社の皆様、 そして参加された学生・社会人の皆様、誠にありがとうございました。

Crystal CO.,LTD (Headquarters: Nishi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture; CEO: Fabio Souza) which provides the Su__i e-Scooter sharing service, organized a hands-on e-Scooter traffic rule lecture on October 7, based on the concept of “listen, watch, and experience,” with the support of the Aichi Prefectural Police Chikusa Station and Hoshigaoka Drivinbg School (Motomachi, Hoshigaoka, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City).

Under the new Road Traffic Act that became effective on July 1 of this year, e-Scooters are now treated as “specified small motorized bicycles” and can be operated without a driver’s license if the person is 16 years of age or older.

Electric Scooters are steadily gaining popularity as a handy and convenient form of transportation, but nationwide, there are some cases where they are being used without a proper understanding of traffic rules. Thus, as a company that offers a sharing service, we decided to organize this event to create an environment where individuals can properly access the service by instructing them how to safely operate and follow traffic rules in the form of a hands-on training session.

This lecture was held exclusive used the on-campus driving training courses at Hoshigaoka driving school located in the central Nagoya area, participants were able to experience the operation of e-Scooter under highly safe conditions.

First, a representative from the Chikusa Police Department’s Traffic Division and from our company explained traffic rules and the use of electric scooters, to help participants understand the “two-step right turn” and “two-step push-walk” required for riding on public roads with an electric scooter during a classroom lecture at reserved classroom within the driving school facility.

Then, after receiving an introduction to the various parts of the Su__i and learning how to operate the brake and acceleration at the simplified test-drive booth, the participants headed to the driving training courses that simulated public road conditions. The participants also experienced two-step right turns and going ramps and were able to experience firsthand the convenience of e-Scooter, which allow them to move around safely and comfortably.

As always, we are committed to further deepening understanding of e-Scooter and traffic rules, and to promote safe urban development for pedestrians, cars, and e-Scooter users alike.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Hoshigaoka driving school for supporting the purpose of this interactive session and providing the venue, to Aichi Prefectural Police Chikusa Station for conducting the classroom safety lecture, and to all the participants for attending. Thank you very much.

The Chubu Electric MIRAI TOWER (Nagoya TV Tower, Nishiki 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya City) is a well-known landmark in Nagoya. In a space under the tower in a center of the city where large number of people pass by, our company and GOGO Share Inc. (2 chome, Kamimaezu, Naka-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture) co-hosted a free joint test-ride event of e-Scooter on September 30.

Since July 1 of this year, we have launched “Su__i,” an e-Scooter sharing service in the city of Nagoya. Su__i is a kickboard-style bicycle with two wheels front and rear and is treated as a “specified small motorized bicycle” under the Road Traffic Act, and does not require a driver’s license if you are 16 years old or older.

On the other hand, the “GOGO!” electric mobility bike, expanded as a sharing service by GOGO Share Inc., is treated as a “mini-car” under the Road Traffic Act, with two wheels in the front and one in the rear, and has a seat, requiring to carry a driver’s license.

This joint test-ride event was planned by the two companies as an event for first-time users of the electric scooter and electric bike sharing service, with the aim of boosting awareness of the sharing service currently being expanded as a sharing service in Nagoya City.

At the test-ride event, the participants were given a lecture by our staff prior to their first ride to ensure safe and pleasant ride. After downloading the app, and completing registration user account information, all questions on the traffic rule quiz must be answered correctly In order to prepare for Su__i test ride.

During the lecture given by our staff, they began with an explanation of each part of the Su__i, followed by a detailed explanation of how to operate the brake and accelerator, how to ride, and the steps required from the start of the rental to the transaction.

After a simple 14.5-meter-long test drive at the booth, where you can take a test-drive, those who were also interested in experiencing driving on public roads in the west side of the tower.

During the public road riding, a staff member led the way in a Su__i, and another staff member followed from the tail end to ensure safety from the front and back. The participants seemed to be satisfied with the pleasant feeling of the Su__i as it gently breezed along, and one high school student even tried to test-ride on the public roads twice.

The joint test-ride event was a great opportunity for multitude people to experience the comfort and convenience of new urban mobility. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to GOGO Share Inc., for co-hosting the event and to all those who attended.

Three-player basketball, 3x3 (three x three), has been adopted as an official event of the Olympics starting from 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic and has been attracting attention as a sport that originated on the streets, the second competition of “3×3 Marvelous∞,” a competitive event in which Stephanie Mawuli, who represented Japan in Tokyo in the women’s three-player basketball (3×3) tournament, and her sister Evelyn Mawuli who won a silver medal in the five-player basketball tournament were involved in planning and management, was hosted at Sakae Hirobas (Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya City) in front of Sakae Mitsukoshi in Nagoya on August 5, and we participated in the event by exhibiting our Su__i e-Scooter, expanded as a sharing service, in a booth at the venue.

During the media response prior to the opening ceremony, the Mawuli sisters appeared at the wheel of the Su___i. The sisters and colorful Su__i vehicles drew a lot of attention from the press.

3×3 Marvelous∞ was born out of the desire of the Mawuli sisters, who hail from Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, to ” create more opportunities to watch basketball in Japan” and to “vitalize the home, Aichi Prefecture”.

The tournament is a round-robin competition among three high school male and three female teams, with the winning team playing against a professional team. The thrilling game unfolded in an open-air venue with a close view of Chubu Electric Power Company’s MIRAI TOWER (Nagoya TV Tower), one of Nagoya’s landmarks, and the crowd in close proximity was enthusiastic.

3×3 Marvelous∞ (Marvelous eight) was born out of the desire of the Mawuli sisters, who hail from Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, to ” create more opportunities to watch basketball in Japan” and to “vitalize the home, Aichi Prefecture”.

The tournament is a round-robin competition among three high school male and three female teams, with the winning team playing against a professional team.

The thrilling game unfolded in an open-air venue with a close view of The Chubu Electric MIRAI TOWER (Nagoya TV Tower), one of Nagoya’s landmarks, and the crowd in close proximity was enthusiastic.



ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、 何卒ご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。

On July 17, a traffic safety workshop organized by Chikusa Police Station of Aichi Prefectural Police at AEON TOWN Chikusa (2-16-13 Chikusa, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City), where we participated in a test ride of Su__i, an e-Scooter we are expanding sharing service.

The venue is Central Court in AEON TOWN Chikusa, where large numbers of people gather on a daily basis.

After a traffic safety workshop by members of Chikusa Police Department’s Traffic Safety Division and a performance by the THUNDERS, a cheerleading squad from Aichi Institute of Technology Meiden High School, the audience was treated to our Su__i e-Scooter test-ride event.

For about an hour at the venue, Chikusa Ward Traffic Safety Association members and others test-drove Su__i for the first time.

Some participants have had felt the comfort of Su__i, as they smile with experiencing the smooth and nimble operation of e-Scooter, the day was fulfilled.



続いて、文教警察常任委員の皆様に、実際にSu_iに試乗いただき、なごのキャンパス周辺の公道も走行いただきました。   7月1日に新しい道路交通法が施行され、電動キックボードが「特定小型原動機付自転車」の扱いとなり、16歳以上であれば免許がなくても運転が可能になった関係で、群馬県でも、県庁や群馬県警が中心となって、電動キックボードに関わる交通ルールの周知をさまざまな形で推し進めておられます。


In line with the enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Act on the 1st of this month, e-Scooter awareness events are being held in multiple locations across the city.

On July 11, an event sponsored by the Nakamura Police Station of the Aichi Prefectural Police Department was held in front of JR Nagoya Station. Kazuki Yoshimi, former pitcher for the Chunichi Dragons and baseball commentator, spent a day as police chief of the Nakamura Police Station and experienced our sharing service, Su__i, an e-Scooter.

Mr. Yoshimi, an ace who supported the golden era of the Dragons during his playing career with his outstanding control of the ball, described as a “precision machine,” drove the Su__i with ease. In an interview with Chunichi Shimbun Co., Ltd., he frankly commented, “It goes faster than I thought.” and “I thought it was very convenient”.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the members of the Aichi Prefectural Police Naka Police Station and Mr. Yoshimi, who served as chief for a day, for their contribution in raising awareness of the new mobility of e-Scooter.
Thank you very much.

Crystal Corporation (Headquarters: Nishi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture; CEO: Fabio SOUZA), the company developing the “Su__i” e-Scooter sharing service, hosted a special riding experience the Su__i event on July 9 at the JR Gate Tower (1-4, Meieki 1-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City) 1st floor event space.

This event was planned and organized by our company in response to the July 1 enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Act, which newly defines vehicle classifications for e-Scooter and other electric small mobility vehicles. Since the Gate Tower is located in a prime location in Nagoya, the event was a great success, with a constant stream of visitors throughout the day.

e-Scooters are a new mobility that allows to easily transport all genders and ages. On the day of the event, people of all ages, mostly in their 20s to 40s, came to the venue.

To ensure that visitors understand the traffic rules based on the new traffic act, we set up a “Traffic Rules Comprehension Check Booth” at the event, where visitors take a traffic rules quiz. Su__i app requires this quiz to be completed as mandatory registration information, which is part of our commitment to safety.

Received quite a few questions from visitors like “Do I need a driver’s license?” However, under the revised Road Traffic Act, if certain conditions are met, anyone 16 years of age or older may drive without a driver’s license, which increasing convenience.

After completing the application registration, visitors were able to fully experience the easy operation and comfort ride of the Su__i in the ride space.

A photo booth with a professional photographer was also set up at the venue for visitors to take home a commemorative photo of their first e-Scooter experience. We continue planning to organize various events and test drives to promote Su__i, a new form of mobility, and to create a more comfortable way to get around the city

July 1, 2023 The environment surrounding e-Scooter has changed significantly.

On the day that the new Road Traffic Act came into effect, which makes e-Scooter easily available as “specified small motorized bicycles,” the electric scooter awareness event and test-ride event were held by the Aichi Prefectural Police Naka Police Station at “Asunal!” stage at Asunal Kanayama commercial complex (1-17-1 Kanayama, Naka-ku, Nagoya City), where many participants had a chance to experience our e-Scooter Su__i, which is offered as sharing service.

On the first day of the enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Act, FM Aichi radio personality KUROE Misaki, who was delegated to be the One-day police chief, and our CEO Souza Fabio appeared on the Asunal Kanayama’s “Asunal!“stage.

A talk show was hosted to promote public understanding of the traffic rules and regulations regarding e-Scooter, providing a valuable opportunity to raise awareness. After the talk show, a hands-on session was held in the plaza in front of the stage, where participants were given a chance to try out e-Scooter and learn how to ride safely. Souza meticulously explained to the participants how to use the acceleration, braking, and other basic movements.

We as a company would like to express our sincere gratitude to the members of the Aichi Prefectural Police Naka Police Station for giving us this invaluable time to promote deepen understanding and interest in new mobility on this milestone day of the enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Act. Thank you very much.

We hoped that while enjoying hot sandwiches and stone oven pizzas, visitors would also get a chance to experience a new type of mobility, Su_i.

With this in mind, the “Mobility Festival (mobi matsuri)” was held on June 28 at Meieki 3-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City, and was attended by an enthusiastic crowd, organized by the Urban Renaissance Business Department of the Chubu Branch, Nagonodana Bank, and Crystal CO.,LTD.

Nagonodana Bank, Inc. focuses on “fun in the town!“and is based in Nagoya City’s Nagono district, the company is involved in real estate utilization such as vacant house solutions and renovations of old private homes, as well as event planning and management, and is “Nogo Tsunagari (Nago connection) ” with our company base on Nago Campus.

The venue for this year’s Mobi Matsuri (Mobility Festival) is an area in Meieki 3-chome provided by UR, the Urban Renaissance Business Department.

UR is promoting urban development with the goal of making the Meieki 3-chome area a town that “expresses,” “senses,” and “connects” the individuality of Nagoya in the near future, centered on the plaza that will be built in the space above the Nagoya Maglev Linear Station. We were able to take advantage of this opportunity to hold a test-ride event for visitors to touch, ride, and feel the Su__i ” e-Scooter” which proposes new mobility through the sharing service.

I believe that those people who participate were able to experience the “fun in town!” through the Su_i test-ride while enjoying delicious food in the city of Nagoya. With Su_i’s mission to “create more comfort in transportation”, we will continuously pursue our research to provide society with new values of mobility while making travel less stressful and more enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 27, at Nagono Campus (2-14-1 Nagono, Nishi-ku, Nagoya City), A Talk & Pitch event “Nagono Open Campus vol. 13 - the “Share Business in Mobility: What are the Possibilities for the Share Business in the Tokai Area? ” hosted by Nagoya Campus and Tokai Chapter of Sharing Economy Association and co-hosted by Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The event, a hybrid of an event venue at the Nagono campus and an online event via YouTube live streaming, attracted a large number of participants. neuet Inc., a company that offers a shared cycle service, KINTO Corporation., which operates a new car subscription service and Crystal CO., LTD, the first company in Nagoya City to launch Su__i, an e-Scooter sharing service, as a MaaS business. The above three companies participated as speakers, and our CEO Souza Fabio, attended the short pitch and panel talk.

According to a survey by the Japan Automobile Inspection & Registration Information Association, Aichi Prefecture has the largest number of automobiles in Japan at 5356,629 as of the end of December 2022. The Tokai area, including Aichi, is said to be a region where the culture of ownership has long persisted. The main theme of the event was to explore the possibilities of sharing business in the Tokai area, which has such a “culture of ownership.

In his short pitch, Souza spoke about Su__i, a new e-Scooter sharing service that he will be launching in July 2023, taking the opportunity of the deregulation of the Road Traffic Act.

Souza began by saying, “(1) We would like to be introduced to an installation site for sharing services, (2) fundraising, (3) participating in ‘community development’ through micromobility.” After citing these three points as the purpose of his participation in the pitch, he gave an overview of Su__i’s business, which he will be developing in Nagoya area.

The service is designed to support short-distance travel within a 3-5 km radius by providing convenience of transportation with colorful e-Scooter installed at ports around town for a initial fee of 185 yen up to 10 minutes, and to make travel “convenient, enjoyable, and stress-free. He also explained that the company is taking various safety measures to promote the new mobility, such as restricting operation on heavy traffic roads by GPS detection and conducting educational activities on the application.

He also explained that the market for e-Scooter sharing services in Japan is worth approximately 1.04 trillion yen, and that the first target is 500 units and 350 ports by December 2025, and the second target is 1,000 units and 750 ports by December 2027, seeking collaboration in the installation of ports. The corporate mission of Su__i is to “create more comfort in transportation”. We want to make transportation less stressful and more enjoyable. We aspire to provide society with a new value of transportation---.

Souza expressed these thoughts at the end of his short pitch. From 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., before the “Nagono Open Campus vol.13" event, a test-ride of the Su__i e-Scooter was held on the Nagono campus field. A large number of visitors were able to experience the nimble control and pleasant riding feeling of the e-Scooter.

The test-ride event was covered by Tokai Television Broadcasting’s “NEWS ONE,” a program that claims to be “news that connects to our daily lives, the people who took part in the test-ride gave good reviews by saying “It’s a lot of fun. Once I started riding, I was able to keep my balance, and it wasn’t that scary.” “The controls are very intuitive, just like a bicycle.”

In the interview, our CEO Souza said, “We are looking to increase the convenience of transportation for local residents and visitors to Nagoya. We hope that people feel at ease using our service.” and explaining the purpose of developing the sharing service.

ニュースメディア「NEWSRELEA.SE」にて、当社の電動キックボードシェアリング事業 | Su__1(スーイ)の取り組みについて掲載いただきました。

Please refer the news release from the link below.

■"NEWSRELEA.SE" Website:JRゲートタワー1階イベントスペースで電動キックボードシェアリングサービス「Su__i」が体験できるスペシャルイベント! 7/9(日)開催!


■"NEWSRELEA.SE" Website:電動キックボードの安全講習会、7月1日名古屋市「アスナル金山」にて開催


"NEWSRELEA.SE" is a curation service for "News releases" without registration.

Our new press release has been published on PRTIMES.

■PRTIMES press release URL:JRゲートタワー1階イベントスペースで電動キックボードシェアリングサービス「Su__i」が体験できるスペシャルイベント! 7/9(日)開催!


Our new press release has been published on PRTIMES.

■PRTIMES press release URL:電動キックボードの安全講習会、7月1日名古屋市「アスナル金山」にて開催


The “Imaneta!” is a program section of “DODESUKA!” that provides in-depth coverage of latest news, including “lifestyle stories” that cannot be conveyed in the news.

The title of this segment is “Will It Become a New Mobility Tool? Experiencing Sharing Electric scooter: benefits and drawbacks”.

Anchor Sakinae Shimazu test-drove Su_i on the grounds of Nagono Campus (2-14-1 Nakono, Nishi-ku, Nagoya City) and also interviewed our CEO Souza Fabio.

Souza explained, “e-Scooter sharing is accepted as a common practice overseas, especially in Europe,” and “We hope that not only travelers but also people who live in this area will find it one of the ways to get around.

During the interview, Souza explained that the system is designed to stop even when the accelerator pedal is at full throttle to eliminate driving in heavy traffic areas such as Routes 22 and 23 via GPS, We introduced our safety measures, such as the policy of not allowing registration to become members of the application unless all questions related to traffic rules are answered correctly.

新たな移動手段になるか?シェアリング電動キックボードを体験 メリットと注意点【イマネタ】 2023年6月15日放送 (

News corner "IMANETA"(Fresh news) in a morning TV program "DODESUKA" by Nagoya TV, our new business, e-Scooter sharing servise will be introduced.

Name of Program : Nagoya TV "DODESUKA!"
Date of on Air : AM6:55~7:20 June 15th 2023

Same movie will be uploaded the link below.

【Rebroadcast schedule】
Name of Program : Nagoya TV "UP!"
Date of on Air : 15:40~ June 15th 2023
■"UP!" Official site

Our attemption of developing for the Osaka/Kansai EXPO “TEAM EXPO 2025” program/Co-Creation Challenge was posted on a news media “VOIX”.

Please refer the special article from the link below.
■MaaS Start up company, Crystal CO.,LTD started to provide a ChatGPT powered B2B Co-Creation assistanse App.

VOIX is a news media that suggests the way of business or way of life of new era via spredding information, and deliver data and Rankings fransform into forms which can be visualized based on primary information.


On a News Media "NEWSRELEA.SE", our attemption of App development for Osaka/Kansai EXPO "TEAM EXPO 2025" program/Co-creation challenge was introduced.

Please refer the news release from the link below.

"NEWSRELEA.SE" is a curation service for "News releases" without registration.

Our new press release has been published on PRTIMES.

■PRTIMES press release URL: Crystal CO.,LDT released a Beta app of B2B matching powerd by ChatGPT.
イベントポップ LINEbot

Crystal CO.,LTD released BETA version B2B matching App powered by ChatGPT.

Crystal CO.,LTD released Beta version B2B matching App powerd by ChatGPT in 26th May. This project is a co-creation by Ai Developing division of Crystal CO.,LTD and Generative Model team of the largest AI community in Japan "CDLE" and Kaname Project Co. Ltd which provides Social implementative DX consulting/developing solution. For the program of Osaka/Kansai Expo "TEAM EXPO 2025", developed Large scale matching engine for "Co-creation challenge" and started a LINE bot service.

【Summary of development】
There are more than 1100 of "Co-Creation Challenge" team and more than 300 "Co-Creation partner" team attending on "TEAM EXPO 2025".
If teams which have similar theme can be met and make co-reation, it is lucky. It is not easy to find good partner from more than 1400 teams to match.
Then, use the "Co-Creation Assistant" App. First of all, summarize the team information by using ChatGPT, Put items together like "#Things want to do" or "#Assistance to want".
By Vectorize(Numerize) the summaries, and calculate cosine similarity between each summaries, which make possible to consider by numbers how team informations are similar.
In case of the second attemp of "TEAM EXPO 2025 Meeting" on 26th May, Cosine similality of bitween 1,100x1,1000 teams of "Co-Creation Challenge" teams were calculated, we succeeded to save information of the top 10 teams. We provided a LINE bot service, which provide The top 3 team names which has high similarity by input team name from LINE.

【Actual sean】
Our booth on the 2nd "TEAM EXPO 2025 Meeting" held on May 26th 2023 at Higashi Osaka. 遠藤によるアナウンス 共創マッチングAI β版デモ中 CDLE Osaka/Nagoya/Generative model G
"Co-Creation Matching" AI Beta version now on the demo. AI will find your "Co-Creation" partner!

We announce, we have been a share member of "Sharing Economy Association, Japan" from April 2023.
Sharing Economy Association is an organization which is working for improving safe market environment, legal development, for Japanese Economical development.

■Sharing Economy Association, Japan Web site

■The Share member,Crystal CO.,LTD Web site


Our New business(Su_i| E-Scooter sharing App) was selected as a member of PRE-STATION Ai, passed an audition of "Pitch & Meetup", by STATION Ai Corp.
And we have an office in "PRE-STATION Ai" of WeWork Global gate Nagoya, from 5th Apil 2023.
We are going to work hard to expand our business.Please keep in touch with our business.

■"STATION Ai" Website

■"PRE-STATION Ai Member list" site URL

ワークスペース ワークスペース

Our new press release has been published on PRTIMES .

■ PRTIMES press release URL:

We Crystal CO., LTD, providing engineering service in Automotive industry and Software development, are pleased to announce that Taichiro Endo has been appointed as a technical advisor for the AI Development Division.

Endo is a fellow (partner) of ExaWizards Co., Ltd. (hereafter, ExaWizards), CEO of Kaname Project Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Kaname Project), founder of DAO Research Institute (hereafter, DAO Research Institute), and Tokyo Gakugei University , an associate professor of the university education AI research program, a guest researcher of the RIKEN AIP, and an Associate Certified Coach of the International Coaching Federation.
ExaWizards Inc. DAO Research institute. Kaname Project Co. Ltd. Associate Certified Coach (International Coaching Federation)

[ Background of appointment ]
Focusing on not only the growth of our company's business, but also on the issues with Japan, while exploring for what we can do as a company, I once again wished trying to solve social issues with the power of technology.
After meeting with him, we decided to work together.

Since 19th century, the live birth in a year has gone under 800 thousand, Work force reduction or economical shrinking are assumed as social issue caused by the decreasing of population.
Society is graying and demand of man power for Medical and elderly person care is increasing, thus potential number of employees for these works are decreasing, too.
Domestic economy shrinkage will cause decreasing investment from overseas and gives negative effect to economic growth.

In the Automotive industry that we are working for, there are negative effect by labor shortage as other industries.
Society aging and Birth rate decline are in progress in Japan.
Then elderly persons give up their driving license and younger generation are shift away from owning their automobiles.
Then we think that the demand shrinkage of the domestic automotive market is an important issue.

There are another issues like, the shortage of taxi drivers as mobility infrastructure of Japan society, or 2024 labor rule issue of the logistic industry.

Because of such issues, We decided to make an appointment Endo as the technical advisor of AI development division, to try solving social issues.

[ Inaugural greeting from Endo ]
My name is Taichiro Endo, and I have been appointed as a technical advisor for the AI Development Division of Crystal Co., Ltd.
I was attracted to CEO Fabio Sosa's passion on society and decided to join.

I am very pleased to have been appointed as a technical advisor to Crystal's AI Development Division and contribute to the creation of new value utilizing AI technology.

Crystal is expected to produce many results in the future along with the development of AI technology. I will do my best to utilize AI technology appropriately and we make the AI Development Division the leader of industry.

In addition, together with Crystal employees, we will provide AI technology that meets customer needs and aim to contribute to society, and we will take on challenges together.

[ About Dr. Endo, the summary of the history ]
Endo began to creating AI software in 1996 when he was 18 years old.
He founded a service using AI technology while studying at Graduate school of University of Minesota.
After widely worked for Implementation of AI, Paper survey, System design, Business contest, and Education etc., joined ExaWizards Co., Ltd in founding period and worked as a technical executive for AI division.
Started from a team of few members, developing organization and made the team which can work with several hundred of projects at the same time.

[ Greeting from CEO Fabio Sousa ]
I was impressed his 27years of programming experience from starting AI programming in 1996, Entrepreneurship experience in school days including the dark period, experience of engaged in education of university, success in a Start-up company from the beggining to IPO, and experience as an researcher.
I am very glad by his joining our company. We are in transition and he is so dependable for us.

Endo who decided to join us, must make an absolute presence.
By participating of powerful guy, We can be armed by new weapon, we believe more growth can come true.
We will keep trying to make people happy and impress everyone by power of technology.

[ Our future ]
We have strength in Engineering field of Automotive industry, and are implementing socialy the AI technology to solve variety of social issues, and trying to create new value of automobile and solve the shortage of manpower for manufacturing process of such industries.

Combining AI technology to our Automotive business and try to expanding our business, and improve the value of movement and business development including the point of view of urban development.

We are looking for the way of solving social issue, not only for human movement, developing new product by using AI technology, doing PoC and providing service to the market.

Endo survived dark period then we assum he deeply knows how to solve the social issues by using AI technology.
We are going to grow our business with AI teshnology with Endo.


Our new press release has been published on PRTIMES.


【“Su__i” the first e-scooter sharing service in Nagoya city area, stars demonstration experiment from April 2023.】
Automotive software development Start-up company established in Nagoya, Crystal started as a new business.

Crystal Co., LTD will start e-scooter sharing service “Su_i” the first in Nagoya city area.
The concept of the service is “Make your transportation colorful.”.
Not only provides quick mobility to everyone, make transportation itself a joy.
The main service area is central Nagoya, will start with 110 units of e-scooters from July when the traffic rule will be updated.

Crystal starts demonstration experiment of “Su__i” the e-Scooter sharing service from end of April in central city area of Nagoya.

“Su__i” is the e-scooter sharing service which the user can make a reservation and payment which costs on the first ride is 185 JPY for 10 min after that 15 JPY per 1 min.

Make transportation easy and comfortable by picking up your nearest sharing port and drop off nearest port your destination.
Also targeting local area tourism by adding the last one mile transportation to existing public transportation.

The concept of the service is “Make your transportation colorful.”
Not only provides quick mobility to everyone, make transportation itself a joy.

This is the first service in Nagoya, start with 10 units from April and expand to 110 units of e-scooters from July when the traffic rule will be updated.
To provide safe ride to users, User registration needs perfect answer for an exam of 10 questions about traffic rule, vehicles will stop safely if user tried to run in heavy traffic road or go out of service area.
We are going to hold a workshop for safety riding of e-scooters toward the traffic rule update in July.

電動キックボード ロゴ

We are going to shut down the office during the Spring Holidays.

The period of the holiday shut down
29th April
- 7th May

About inquiry during the holiday shut down:
The inquiry or questions which received in the shut down period will be respond by order from 8th May.
We are very sorry for your inconvenience.

In "Nagono Tea Break event" held on 19th April 2023, e-Scooter Test ride event of Our new business, "Su_i" the e-Scooter sharing service, were introduced in CBC news program.

An interview movie was also on-aired. Please watch from the URL below.

イベント風景 イベント風景
イベント風景 イベント風景

“Nagoya”, the Newsletter of Nagoya the chamber of commerce, Feb 2023 issue—-we were introduced in “Next century creator in Nagono Campus entrepreneur directory”. The trigger of building a business, our service and business like “model based engineering”, and our new business “Su-i”, e-scoter sharing service were published.
“Nagoya” is the Newsletter which provide information about the chamber of commerce and its service, and fresh news about Nagoya economy.
See it from the link!


We took place “Chubu Regional Police Bureau The tutoring class for the action for Bicycle”

As a business operator of e-scooter sharing in 20th Jan 2023.
In the instruction course, starting from instruction of e-scooter sharing business and promotion, gave the test ride and instruction of handling e-scooters by using our new business “Su-i”.
The event organizer and attendants were attracted to attend it.
“Chubu Regional Police Bureau” is one of the regional police bureaus which manages total 6 of prefectural police in Toyama , Ishikawa, Fukui, Gifu, Aichi and Mie.

イベント風景 イベント風景 イベント風景

16th Jan 2023(Mon) TokaiTV “Saku seed ~ Business star up, Seed of success~”
We were introduced in the TV program as the company based on Nagono Campus and our new business “Su-i”(e-scooter sharing service).

Please watch the movie clip from the URL below.

イベントサムネ イベントサムネ

Happy new year!

Automotive industry is in a great transformation of once in a century, it is also one of our issues. Recent technology update is so fast, new services are introduced and fade away everyday. In such a situation, not a few companies cannot keep employment, comparing with outside of Japan , I am afraid of this situation. But we do not look away from the world and recognize the problem, and we will keep trying against big theme like motorize, automation, improving efficiency, decarbonization or carbon neutral by using our know-how and capability.

This year is a milestone for our company. This year is “the year of rabbit”. During this our 5th Fiscal year, We will keep hopping like rabbits till the end of this year, make a big a jump to next stage.

We all members will work together to improve our service and respond the customer’s trust. We wish you keep in touch.

We s¥wish your wellness and happiness.

Crystal CO., LTD
All company members


■ 移転先住所



ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、 何卒ご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。

株式会社INDUSTRIAL-X様が主催するビジネスマッチングイベント「Conference X in 名古屋 ~繋がる、拓く~」で社長の蒼佐が討議します。
Conference Xは、累計登録者数2,000名超の日本を代表するDXの祭典で、業界・地域を超えたプレイヤーが集まるカンファレンスです。

名称 »
Conference X in 名古屋

日時 »

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セッション4 16:30-17:20
公式サイト »



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【発生日時】2022年7月2日(土) 01:35頃
【復旧日時】2022年7月5日(火) 15:36頃







活動内容は、2015年度より経済産業省主導のもとで「自動車産業におけるモデル利用のあり方に関する研究会*」として実施し、とりまとめてきた、「SURIAWASE2.0*の深化 ~自動車産業におけるMBDの産学官共同戦略的プロジェクトの方針~」を民間主体で継承したものとなります。




ZIP-FM「Startup[N]」に、Notablue Guestとして社長の蒼佐が出演いたします。

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番組公式サイト »

放映日時 »

テーマ »



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日本生命保険相互会社様が主催するビジネスマッチングイベント「Nissayビジネスマッチングonline~縁!!2022 in東海~」に出展します。


イベント名 »
Nissayビジネスマッチングonline~縁!!2022 in東海~


しかし、私たちは withコロナ として付き合い方を学んできました。
本年も、withコロナ 共に戦い、打ち勝ってまいりましょう。






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愛知大学名古屋キャンパス(愛知県名古屋市中村区)で11月4、5の両日行われた学園祭「愛知大学ささしま祭」に、名古屋で電動キックボードシェアリングサービス、 Su_i(スーイ)を展開している当社、Crystal株式会社(本社:名古屋市西区、代表取締役社長:蒼佐ファビオ)はSu_iを出展、大学構内に設けられた試乗スペースでの無料試乗会を2日間にわたって実施させていただきました。

試乗会は、大学南側の道路を利用して設けた試乗スペースで行いました。初ライドの前に、当社スタッフからSu_iの各部パーツの説明、ブレーキやアクセルの使用法、乗り方のポイントなどをお伝えし、学園祭に参加された皆様に、正しく安全に、 そして快適に試乗いただけるよう配慮しました。


また、今年の愛知大学ささしま祭では、様々な企業・団体と学生が繋がれる場を作りたい、との観点から「学園祭と就職活動のコラボレーション」という初の試みが行われました。校舎内の教室で行われた合同就職活動説明会に愛知県警、名古屋市消防局、海上保安庁などと共に当社も参加、会社紹介や当社の事業内容について、参加された学生の皆様は熱心に耳を傾けて下さいました。個別の教室でも会社説明会を実施し、多くの皆様にご来場いただきました。 愛知大学様、また愛知大学名古屋校舎ささしま祭実行委員会の皆様、試乗会と就職活動説明会という貴重な機会をいただきまして、このたびは誠にありがとうございました。

全世界で7,000回以上開催され、50万人を超える人々が参加しているスタートアップの実践イベント「Startup Weekend(スタートアップ・ウィークエンド、以下SW)」。金曜日から日曜日までの3日間で仲間作りをしつつ、新しい事業のアイデアのプロトタイプを作っていく、 起業のコミュニティとして知られています。

このSWが、10月20日の午後6時から22日午後8時まで、OKB Harmony Plaza名駅(愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅4丁目)で「SW名古屋2023」として開催され、 当社はイベントの協賛で参画させていただきました。

週末を活用してアイデアを形にしていくスタートアップ体験イベントであるSW。金曜夜、参加者がアイデアを発表するところから、SWは始まります。 個々のアイデアに共感したメンバーと一緒にチームを作り、日曜夕方までにビジネスモデルを作り上げる、という流れです。週末の3日間、参加された学生や社会人の皆様の間では、コーチ役の起業家らの助言を受けつつ、熱い議論が交わされ、さまざまな新規事業のアイデアが形になっていきました。

協賛した当社からは、SW名古屋2023に参加された皆様全員にSu_iのクーポンの特典を、またイベントで優勝された方には、2024年3月末までお使いいただける乗り放題アカウントを提供させていただきました。熱気を帯びたウィークエンドに、当社も大きな刺激をいただきました。主催者の皆様、協賛各社の皆様、 そして参加された学生・社会人の皆様、誠にありがとうございました。

Crystal CO.,LTD (Headquarters: Nishi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture; CEO: Fabio Souza) which provides the Su__i e-Scooter sharing service, organized a hands-on e-Scooter traffic rule lecture on October 7, based on the concept of “listen, watch, and experience,” with the support of the Aichi Prefectural Police Chikusa Station and Hoshigaoka Drivinbg School (Motomachi, Hoshigaoka, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City).

Under the new Road Traffic Act that became effective on July 1 of this year, e-Scooters are now treated as “specified small motorized bicycles” and can be operated without a driver’s license if the person is 16 years of age or older.

Electric Scooters are steadily gaining popularity as a handy and convenient form of transportation, but nationwide, there are some cases where they are being used without a proper understanding of traffic rules. Thus, as a company that offers a sharing service, we decided to organize this event to create an environment where individuals can properly access the service by instructing them how to safely operate and follow traffic rules in the form of a hands-on training session.

This lecture was held exclusive used the on-campus driving training courses at Hoshigaoka driving school located in the central Nagoya area, participants were able to experience the operation of e-Scooter under highly safe conditions.

First, a representative from the Chikusa Police Department’s Traffic Division and from our company explained traffic rules and the use of electric scooters, to help participants understand the “two-step right turn” and “two-step push-walk” required for riding on public roads with an electric scooter during a classroom lecture at reserved classroom within the driving school facility.

Then, after receiving an introduction to the various parts of the Su__i and learning how to operate the brake and acceleration at the simplified test-drive booth, the participants headed to the driving training courses that simulated public road conditions. The participants also experienced two-step right turns and going ramps and were able to experience firsthand the convenience of e-Scooter, which allow them to move around safely and comfortably.

As always, we are committed to further deepening understanding of e-Scooter and traffic rules, and to promote safe urban development for pedestrians, cars, and e-Scooter users alike.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Hoshigaoka driving school for supporting the purpose of this interactive session and providing the venue, to Aichi Prefectural Police Chikusa Station for conducting the classroom safety lecture, and to all the participants for attending. Thank you very much.

The Chubu Electric MIRAI TOWER (Nagoya TV Tower, Nishiki 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya City) is a well-known landmark in Nagoya. In a space under the tower in a center of the city where large number of people pass by, our company and GOGO Share Inc. (2 chome, Kamimaezu, Naka-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture) co-hosted a free joint test-ride event of e-Scooter on September 30.

Since July 1 of this year, we have launched “Su__i,” an e-Scooter sharing service in the city of Nagoya. Su__i is a kickboard-style bicycle with two wheels front and rear and is treated as a “specified small motorized bicycle” under the Road Traffic Act, and does not require a driver’s license if you are 16 years old or older.

On the other hand, the “GOGO!” electric mobility bike, expanded as a sharing service by GOGO Share Inc., is treated as a “mini-car” under the Road Traffic Act, with two wheels in the front and one in the rear, and has a seat, requiring to carry a driver’s license.

This joint test-ride event was planned by the two companies as an event for first-time users of the electric scooter and electric bike sharing service, with the aim of boosting awareness of the sharing service currently being expanded as a sharing service in Nagoya City.

At the test-ride event, the participants were given a lecture by our staff prior to their first ride to ensure safe and pleasant ride. After downloading the app, and completing registration user account information, all questions on the traffic rule quiz must be answered correctly In order to prepare for Su__i test ride.

During the lecture given by our staff, they began with an explanation of each part of the Su__i, followed by a detailed explanation of how to operate the brake and accelerator, how to ride, and the steps required from the start of the rental to the transaction.

After a simple 14.5-meter-long test drive at the booth, where you can take a test-drive, those who were also interested in experiencing driving on public roads in the west side of the tower.

During the public road riding, a staff member led the way in a Su__i, and another staff member followed from the tail end to ensure safety from the front and back. The participants seemed to be satisfied with the pleasant feeling of the Su__i as it gently breezed along, and one high school student even tried to test-ride on the public roads twice.

The joint test-ride event was a great opportunity for multitude people to experience the comfort and convenience of new urban mobility. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to GOGO Share Inc., for co-hosting the event and to all those who attended.

Three-player basketball, 3x3 (three x three), has been adopted as an official event of the Olympics starting from 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic and has been attracting attention as a sport that originated on the streets, the second competition of “3×3 Marvelous∞,” a competitive event in which Stephanie Mawuli, who represented Japan in Tokyo in the women’s three-player basketball (3×3) tournament, and her sister Evelyn Mawuli who won a silver medal in the five-player basketball tournament were involved in planning and management, was hosted at Sakae Hirobas (Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya City) in front of Sakae Mitsukoshi in Nagoya on August 5, and we participated in the event by exhibiting our Su__i e-Scooter, expanded as a sharing service, in a booth at the venue.

During the media response prior to the opening ceremony, the Mawuli sisters appeared at the wheel of the Su___i. The sisters and colorful Su__i vehicles drew a lot of attention from the press.

3×3 Marvelous∞ was born out of the desire of the Mawuli sisters, who hail from Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, to ” create more opportunities to watch basketball in Japan” and to “vitalize the home, Aichi Prefecture”.

The tournament is a round-robin competition among three high school male and three female teams, with the winning team playing against a professional team. The thrilling game unfolded in an open-air venue with a close view of Chubu Electric Power Company’s MIRAI TOWER (Nagoya TV Tower), one of Nagoya’s landmarks, and the crowd in close proximity was enthusiastic.

3×3 Marvelous∞ (Marvelous eight) was born out of the desire of the Mawuli sisters, who hail from Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, to ” create more opportunities to watch basketball in Japan” and to “vitalize the home, Aichi Prefecture”.

The tournament is a round-robin competition among three high school male and three female teams, with the winning team playing against a professional team.

The thrilling game unfolded in an open-air venue with a close view of The Chubu Electric MIRAI TOWER (Nagoya TV Tower), one of Nagoya’s landmarks, and the crowd in close proximity was enthusiastic.



ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、 何卒ご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。

On July 17, a traffic safety workshop organized by Chikusa Police Station of Aichi Prefectural Police at AEON TOWN Chikusa (2-16-13 Chikusa, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City), where we participated in a test ride of Su__i, an e-Scooter we are expanding sharing service.

The venue is Central Court in AEON TOWN Chikusa, where large numbers of people gather on a daily basis.

After a traffic safety workshop by members of Chikusa Police Department’s Traffic Safety Division and a performance by the THUNDERS, a cheerleading squad from Aichi Institute of Technology Meiden High School, the audience was treated to our Su__i e-Scooter test-ride event.

For about an hour at the venue, Chikusa Ward Traffic Safety Association members and others test-drove Su__i for the first time.

Some participants have had felt the comfort of Su__i, as they smile with experiencing the smooth and nimble operation of e-Scooter, the day was fulfilled.



続いて、文教警察常任委員の皆様に、実際にSu_iに試乗いただき、なごのキャンパス周辺の公道も走行いただきました。   7月1日に新しい道路交通法が施行され、電動キックボードが「特定小型原動機付自転車」の扱いとなり、16歳以上であれば免許がなくても運転が可能になった関係で、群馬県でも、県庁や群馬県警が中心となって、電動キックボードに関わる交通ルールの周知をさまざまな形で推し進めておられます。


In line with the enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Act on the 1st of this month, e-Scooter awareness events are being held in multiple locations across the city.

On July 11, an event sponsored by the Nakamura Police Station of the Aichi Prefectural Police Department was held in front of JR Nagoya Station. Kazuki Yoshimi, former pitcher for the Chunichi Dragons and baseball commentator, spent a day as police chief of the Nakamura Police Station and experienced our sharing service, Su__i, an e-Scooter.

Mr. Yoshimi, an ace who supported the golden era of the Dragons during his playing career with his outstanding control of the ball, described as a “precision machine,” drove the Su__i with ease. In an interview with Chunichi Shimbun Co., Ltd., he frankly commented, “It goes faster than I thought.” and “I thought it was very convenient”.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the members of the Aichi Prefectural Police Naka Police Station and Mr. Yoshimi, who served as chief for a day, for their contribution in raising awareness of the new mobility of e-Scooter.
Thank you very much.

Crystal Corporation (Headquarters: Nishi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture; CEO: Fabio SOUZA), the company developing the “Su__i” e-Scooter sharing service, hosted a special riding experience the Su__i event on July 9 at the JR Gate Tower (1-4, Meieki 1-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City) 1st floor event space.

This event was planned and organized by our company in response to the July 1 enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Act, which newly defines vehicle classifications for e-Scooter and other electric small mobility vehicles. Since the Gate Tower is located in a prime location in Nagoya, the event was a great success, with a constant stream of visitors throughout the day.

e-Scooters are a new mobility that allows to easily transport all genders and ages. On the day of the event, people of all ages, mostly in their 20s to 40s, came to the venue.

To ensure that visitors understand the traffic rules based on the new traffic act, we set up a “Traffic Rules Comprehension Check Booth” at the event, where visitors take a traffic rules quiz. Su__i app requires this quiz to be completed as mandatory registration information, which is part of our commitment to safety.

Received quite a few questions from visitors like “Do I need a driver’s license?” However, under the revised Road Traffic Act, if certain conditions are met, anyone 16 years of age or older may drive without a driver’s license, which increasing convenience.

After completing the application registration, visitors were able to fully experience the easy operation and comfort ride of the Su__i in the ride space.

A photo booth with a professional photographer was also set up at the venue for visitors to take home a commemorative photo of their first e-Scooter experience. We continue planning to organize various events and test drives to promote Su__i, a new form of mobility, and to create a more comfortable way to get around the city

July 1, 2023 The environment surrounding e-Scooter has changed significantly.

On the day that the new Road Traffic Act came into effect, which makes e-Scooter easily available as “specified small motorized bicycles,” the electric scooter awareness event and test-ride event were held by the Aichi Prefectural Police Naka Police Station at “Asunal!” stage at Asunal Kanayama commercial complex (1-17-1 Kanayama, Naka-ku, Nagoya City), where many participants had a chance to experience our e-Scooter Su__i, which is offered as sharing service.

On the first day of the enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Act, FM Aichi radio personality KUROE Misaki, who was delegated to be the One-day police chief, and our CEO Souza Fabio appeared on the Asunal Kanayama’s “Asunal!“stage.

A talk show was hosted to promote public understanding of the traffic rules and regulations regarding e-Scooter, providing a valuable opportunity to raise awareness. After the talk show, a hands-on session was held in the plaza in front of the stage, where participants were given a chance to try out e-Scooter and learn how to ride safely. Souza meticulously explained to the participants how to use the acceleration, braking, and other basic movements.

We as a company would like to express our sincere gratitude to the members of the Aichi Prefectural Police Naka Police Station for giving us this invaluable time to promote deepen understanding and interest in new mobility on this milestone day of the enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Act. Thank you very much.

We hoped that while enjoying hot sandwiches and stone oven pizzas, visitors would also get a chance to experience a new type of mobility, Su_i.

With this in mind, the “Mobility Festival (mobi matsuri)” was held on June 28 at Meieki 3-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City, and was attended by an enthusiastic crowd, organized by the Urban Renaissance Business Department of the Chubu Branch, Nagonodana Bank, and Crystal CO.,LTD.

Nagonodana Bank, Inc. focuses on “fun in the town!“and is based in Nagoya City’s Nagono district, the company is involved in real estate utilization such as vacant house solutions and renovations of old private homes, as well as event planning and management, and is “Nogo Tsunagari (Nago connection) ” with our company base on Nago Campus.

The venue for this year’s Mobi Matsuri (Mobility Festival) is an area in Meieki 3-chome provided by UR, the Urban Renaissance Business Department.

UR is promoting urban development with the goal of making the Meieki 3-chome area a town that “expresses,” “senses,” and “connects” the individuality of Nagoya in the near future, centered on the plaza that will be built in the space above the Nagoya Maglev Linear Station. We were able to take advantage of this opportunity to hold a test-ride event for visitors to touch, ride, and feel the Su__i ” e-Scooter” which proposes new mobility through the sharing service.

I believe that those people who participate were able to experience the “fun in town!” through the Su_i test-ride while enjoying delicious food in the city of Nagoya. With Su_i’s mission to “create more comfort in transportation”, we will continuously pursue our research to provide society with new values of mobility while making travel less stressful and more enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 27, at Nagono Campus (2-14-1 Nagono, Nishi-ku, Nagoya City), A Talk & Pitch event “Nagono Open Campus vol. 13 - the “Share Business in Mobility: What are the Possibilities for the Share Business in the Tokai Area? ” hosted by Nagoya Campus and Tokai Chapter of Sharing Economy Association and co-hosted by Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The event, a hybrid of an event venue at the Nagono campus and an online event via YouTube live streaming, attracted a large number of participants. neuet Inc., a company that offers a shared cycle service, KINTO Corporation., which operates a new car subscription service and Crystal CO., LTD, the first company in Nagoya City to launch Su__i, an e-Scooter sharing service, as a MaaS business. The above three companies participated as speakers, and our CEO Souza Fabio, attended the short pitch and panel talk.

According to a survey by the Japan Automobile Inspection & Registration Information Association, Aichi Prefecture has the largest number of automobiles in Japan at 5356,629 as of the end of December 2022. The Tokai area, including Aichi, is said to be a region where the culture of ownership has long persisted. The main theme of the event was to explore the possibilities of sharing business in the Tokai area, which has such a “culture of ownership.

In his short pitch, Souza spoke about Su__i, a new e-Scooter sharing service that he will be launching in July 2023, taking the opportunity of the deregulation of the Road Traffic Act.

Souza began by saying, “(1) We would like to be introduced to an installation site for sharing services, (2) fundraising, (3) participating in ‘community development’ through micromobility.” After citing these three points as the purpose of his participation in the pitch, he gave an overview of Su__i’s business, which he will be developing in Nagoya area.

The service is designed to support short-distance travel within a 3-5 km radius by providing convenience of transportation with colorful e-Scooter installed at ports around town for a initial fee of 185 yen up to 10 minutes, and to make travel “convenient, enjoyable, and stress-free. He also explained that the company is taking various safety measures to promote the new mobility, such as restricting operation on heavy traffic roads by GPS detection and conducting educational activities on the application.

He also explained that the market for e-Scooter sharing services in Japan is worth approximately 1.04 trillion yen, and that the first target is 500 units and 350 ports by December 2025, and the second target is 1,000 units and 750 ports by December 2027, seeking collaboration in the installation of ports. The corporate mission of Su__i is to “create more comfort in transportation”. We want to make transportation less stressful and more enjoyable. We aspire to provide society with a new value of transportation---.

Souza expressed these thoughts at the end of his short pitch. From 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., before the “Nagono Open Campus vol.13" event, a test-ride of the Su__i e-Scooter was held on the Nagono campus field. A large number of visitors were able to experience the nimble control and pleasant riding feeling of the e-Scooter.

The test-ride event was covered by Tokai Television Broadcasting’s “NEWS ONE,” a program that claims to be “news that connects to our daily lives, the people who took part in the test-ride gave good reviews by saying “It’s a lot of fun. Once I started riding, I was able to keep my balance, and it wasn’t that scary.” “The controls are very intuitive, just like a bicycle.”

In the interview, our CEO Souza said, “We are looking to increase the convenience of transportation for local residents and visitors to Nagoya. We hope that people feel at ease using our service.” and explaining the purpose of developing the sharing service.

ニュースメディア「NEWSRELEA.SE」にて、当社の電動キックボードシェアリング事業 | Su__1(スーイ)の取り組みについて掲載いただきました。

Please refer the news release from the link below.

■"NEWSRELEA.SE" Website:JRゲートタワー1階イベントスペースで電動キックボードシェアリングサービス「Su__i」が体験できるスペシャルイベント! 7/9(日)開催!


■"NEWSRELEA.SE" Website:電動キックボードの安全講習会、7月1日名古屋市「アスナル金山」にて開催


"NEWSRELEA.SE" is a curation service for "News releases" without registration.

Our new press release has been published on PRTIMES.

■PRTIMES press release URL:JRゲートタワー1階イベントスペースで電動キックボードシェアリングサービス「Su__i」が体験できるスペシャルイベント! 7/9(日)開催!


Our new press release has been published on PRTIMES.

■PRTIMES press release URL:電動キックボードの安全講習会、7月1日名古屋市「アスナル金山」にて開催


The “Imaneta!” is a program section of “DODESUKA!” that provides in-depth coverage of latest news, including “lifestyle stories” that cannot be conveyed in the news.

The title of this segment is “Will It Become a New Mobility Tool? Experiencing Sharing Electric scooter: benefits and drawbacks”.

Anchor Sakinae Shimazu test-drove Su_i on the grounds of Nagono Campus (2-14-1 Nakono, Nishi-ku, Nagoya City) and also interviewed our CEO Souza Fabio.

Souza explained, “e-Scooter sharing is accepted as a common practice overseas, especially in Europe,” and “We hope that not only travelers but also people who live in this area will find it one of the ways to get around.

During the interview, Souza explained that the system is designed to stop even when the accelerator pedal is at full throttle to eliminate driving in heavy traffic areas such as Routes 22 and 23 via GPS, We introduced our safety measures, such as the policy of not allowing registration to become members of the application unless all questions related to traffic rules are answered correctly.

新たな移動手段になるか?シェアリング電動キックボードを体験 メリットと注意点【イマネタ】 2023年6月15日放送 (

News corner "IMANETA"(Fresh news) in a morning TV program "DODESUKA" by Nagoya TV, our new business, e-Scooter sharing servise will be introduced.

Name of Program : Nagoya TV "DODESUKA!"
Date of on Air : AM6:55~7:20 June 15th 2023

Same movie will be uploaded the link below.

【Rebroadcast schedule】
Name of Program : Nagoya TV "UP!"
Date of on Air : 15:40~ June 15th 2023
■"UP!" Official site

Our attemption of developing for the Osaka/Kansai EXPO “TEAM EXPO 2025” program/Co-Creation Challenge was posted on a news media “VOIX”.

Please refer the special article from the link below.
■MaaS Start up company, Crystal CO.,LTD started to provide a ChatGPT powered B2B Co-Creation assistanse App.

VOIX is a news media that suggests the way of business or way of life of new era via spredding information, and deliver data and Rankings fransform into forms which can be visualized based on primary information.


On a News Media "NEWSRELEA.SE", our attemption of App development for Osaka/Kansai EXPO "TEAM EXPO 2025" program/Co-creation challenge was introduced.

Please refer the news release from the link below.

"NEWSRELEA.SE" is a curation service for "News releases" without registration.

Our new press release has been published on PRTIMES.

■PRTIMES press release URL: Crystal CO.,LDT released a Beta app of B2B matching powerd by ChatGPT.
イベントポップ LINEbot

Crystal CO.,LTD released BETA version B2B matching App powered by ChatGPT.

Crystal CO.,LTD released Beta version B2B matching App powerd by ChatGPT in 26th May. This project is a co-creation by Ai Developing division of Crystal CO.,LTD and Generative Model team of the largest AI community in Japan "CDLE" and Kaname Project Co. Ltd which provides Social implementative DX consulting/developing solution. For the program of Osaka/Kansai Expo "TEAM EXPO 2025", developed Large scale matching engine for "Co-creation challenge" and started a LINE bot service.

【Summary of development】
There are more than 1100 of "Co-Creation Challenge" team and more than 300 "Co-Creation partner" team attending on "TEAM EXPO 2025".
If teams which have similar theme can be met and make co-reation, it is lucky. It is not easy to find good partner from more than 1400 teams to match.
Then, use the "Co-Creation Assistant" App. First of all, summarize the team information by using ChatGPT, Put items together like "#Things want to do" or "#Assistance to want".
By Vectorize(Numerize) the summaries, and calculate cosine similarity between each summaries, which make possible to consider by numbers how team informations are similar.
In case of the second attemp of "TEAM EXPO 2025 Meeting" on 26th May, Cosine similality of bitween 1,100x1,1000 teams of "Co-Creation Challenge" teams were calculated, we succeeded to save information of the top 10 teams. We provided a LINE bot service, which provide The top 3 team names which has high similarity by input team name from LINE.

【Actual sean】
Our booth on the 2nd "TEAM EXPO 2025 Meeting" held on May 26th 2023 at Higashi Osaka. 遠藤によるアナウンス 共創マッチングAI β版デモ中 CDLE Osaka/Nagoya/Generative model G
"Co-Creation Matching" AI Beta version now on the demo. AI will find your "Co-Creation" partner!

We announce, we have been a share member of "Sharing Economy Association, Japan" from April 2023.
Sharing Economy Association is an organization which is working for improving safe market environment, legal development, for Japanese Economical development.

■Sharing Economy Association, Japan Web site

■The Share member,Crystal CO.,LTD Web site


Our New business(Su_i| E-Scooter sharing App) was selected as a member of PRE-STATION Ai, passed an audition of "Pitch & Meetup", by STATION Ai Corp.
And we have an office in "PRE-STATION Ai" of WeWork Global gate Nagoya, from 5th Apil 2023.
We are going to work hard to expand our business.Please keep in touch with our business.

■"STATION Ai" Website

■"PRE-STATION Ai Member list" site URL

ワークスペース ワークスペース

Our new press release has been published on PRTIMES .

■ PRTIMES press release URL:

We Crystal CO., LTD, providing engineering service in Automotive industry and Software development, are pleased to announce that Taichiro Endo has been appointed as a technical advisor for the AI Development Division.

Endo is a fellow (partner) of ExaWizards Co., Ltd. (hereafter, ExaWizards), CEO of Kaname Project Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Kaname Project), founder of DAO Research Institute (hereafter, DAO Research Institute), and Tokyo Gakugei University , an associate professor of the university education AI research program, a guest researcher of the RIKEN AIP, and an Associate Certified Coach of the International Coaching Federation.
ExaWizards Inc. DAO Research institute. Kaname Project Co. Ltd. Associate Certified Coach (International Coaching Federation)

[ Background of appointment ]
Focusing on not only the growth of our company's business, but also on the issues with Japan, while exploring for what we can do as a company, I once again wished trying to solve social issues with the power of technology.
After meeting with him, we decided to work together.

Since 19th century, the live birth in a year has gone under 800 thousand, Work force reduction or economical shrinking are assumed as social issue caused by the decreasing of population.
Society is graying and demand of man power for Medical and elderly person care is increasing, thus potential number of employees for these works are decreasing, too.
Domestic economy shrinkage will cause decreasing investment from overseas and gives negative effect to economic growth.

In the Automotive industry that we are working for, there are negative effect by labor shortage as other industries.
Society aging and Birth rate decline are in progress in Japan.
Then elderly persons give up their driving license and younger generation are shift away from owning their automobiles.
Then we think that the demand shrinkage of the domestic automotive market is an important issue.

There are another issues like, the shortage of taxi drivers as mobility infrastructure of Japan society, or 2024 labor rule issue of the logistic industry.

Because of such issues, We decided to make an appointment Endo as the technical advisor of AI development division, to try solving social issues.

[ Inaugural greeting from Endo ]
My name is Taichiro Endo, and I have been appointed as a technical advisor for the AI Development Division of Crystal Co., Ltd.
I was attracted to CEO Fabio Sosa's passion on society and decided to join.

I am very pleased to have been appointed as a technical advisor to Crystal's AI Development Division and contribute to the creation of new value utilizing AI technology.

Crystal is expected to produce many results in the future along with the development of AI technology. I will do my best to utilize AI technology appropriately and we make the AI Development Division the leader of industry.

In addition, together with Crystal employees, we will provide AI technology that meets customer needs and aim to contribute to society, and we will take on challenges together.

[ About Dr. Endo, the summary of the history ]
Endo began to creating AI software in 1996 when he was 18 years old.
He founded a service using AI technology while studying at Graduate school of University of Minesota.
After widely worked for Implementation of AI, Paper survey, System design, Business contest, and Education etc., joined ExaWizards Co., Ltd in founding period and worked as a technical executive for AI division.
Started from a team of few members, developing organization and made the team which can work with several hundred of projects at the same time.

[ Greeting from CEO Fabio Sousa ]
I was impressed his 27years of programming experience from starting AI programming in 1996, Entrepreneurship experience in school days including the dark period, experience of engaged in education of university, success in a Start-up company from the beggining to IPO, and experience as an researcher.
I am very glad by his joining our company. We are in transition and he is so dependable for us.

Endo who decided to join us, must make an absolute presence.
By participating of powerful guy, We can be armed by new weapon, we believe more growth can come true.
We will keep trying to make people happy and impress everyone by power of technology.

[ Our future ]
We have strength in Engineering field of Automotive industry, and are implementing socialy the AI technology to solve variety of social issues, and trying to create new value of automobile and solve the shortage of manpower for manufacturing process of such industries.

Combining AI technology to our Automotive business and try to expanding our business, and improve the value of movement and business development including the point of view of urban development.

We are looking for the way of solving social issue, not only for human movement, developing new product by using AI technology, doing PoC and providing service to the market.

Endo survived dark period then we assum he deeply knows how to solve the social issues by using AI technology.
We are going to grow our business with AI teshnology with Endo.


Our new press release has been published on PRTIMES.


【“Su__i” the first e-scooter sharing service in Nagoya city area, stars demonstration experiment from April 2023.】
Automotive software development Start-up company established in Nagoya, Crystal started as a new business.

Crystal Co., LTD will start e-scooter sharing service “Su_i” the first in Nagoya city area.
The concept of the service is “Make your transportation colorful.”.
Not only provides quick mobility to everyone, make transportation itself a joy.
The main service area is central Nagoya, will start with 110 units of e-scooters from July when the traffic rule will be updated.

Crystal starts demonstration experiment of “Su__i” the e-Scooter sharing service from end of April in central city area of Nagoya.

“Su__i” is the e-scooter sharing service which the user can make a reservation and payment which costs on the first ride is 185 JPY for 10 min after that 15 JPY per 1 min.

Make transportation easy and comfortable by picking up your nearest sharing port and drop off nearest port your destination.
Also targeting local area tourism by adding the last one mile transportation to existing public transportation.

The concept of the service is “Make your transportation colorful.”
Not only provides quick mobility to everyone, make transportation itself a joy.

This is the first service in Nagoya, start with 10 units from April and expand to 110 units of e-scooters from July when the traffic rule will be updated.
To provide safe ride to users, User registration needs perfect answer for an exam of 10 questions about traffic rule, vehicles will stop safely if user tried to run in heavy traffic road or go out of service area.
We are going to hold a workshop for safety riding of e-scooters toward the traffic rule update in July.

電動キックボード ロゴ

We are going to shut down the office during the Spring Holidays.

The period of the holiday shut down
29th April
- 7th May

About inquiry during the holiday shut down:
The inquiry or questions which received in the shut down period will be respond by order from 8th May.
We are very sorry for your inconvenience.

In "Nagono Tea Break event" held on 19th April 2023, e-Scooter Test ride event of Our new business, "Su_i" the e-Scooter sharing service, were introduced in CBC news program.

An interview movie was also on-aired. Please watch from the URL below.

イベント風景 イベント風景
イベント風景 イベント風景

“Nagoya”, the Newsletter of Nagoya the chamber of commerce, Feb 2023 issue—-we were introduced in “Next century creator in Nagono Campus entrepreneur directory”. The trigger of building a business, our service and business like “model based engineering”, and our new business “Su-i”, e-scoter sharing service were published.
“Nagoya” is the Newsletter which provide information about the chamber of commerce and its service, and fresh news about Nagoya economy.
See it from the link!


We took place “Chubu Regional Police Bureau The tutoring class for the action for Bicycle”

As a business operator of e-scooter sharing in 20th Jan 2023.
In the instruction course, starting from instruction of e-scooter sharing business and promotion, gave the test ride and instruction of handling e-scooters by using our new business “Su-i”.
The event organizer and attendants were attracted to attend it.
“Chubu Regional Police Bureau” is one of the regional police bureaus which manages total 6 of prefectural police in Toyama , Ishikawa, Fukui, Gifu, Aichi and Mie.

イベント風景 イベント風景 イベント風景

16th Jan 2023(Mon) TokaiTV “Saku seed ~ Business star up, Seed of success~”
We were introduced in the TV program as the company based on Nagono Campus and our new business “Su-i”(e-scooter sharing service).

Please watch the movie clip from the URL below.

イベントサムネ イベントサムネ

Happy new year!

Automotive industry is in a great transformation of once in a century, it is also one of our issues. Recent technology update is so fast, new services are introduced and fade away everyday. In such a situation, not a few companies cannot keep employment, comparing with outside of Japan , I am afraid of this situation. But we do not look away from the world and recognize the problem, and we will keep trying against big theme like motorize, automation, improving efficiency, decarbonization or carbon neutral by using our know-how and capability.

This year is a milestone for our company. This year is “the year of rabbit”. During this our 5th Fiscal year, We will keep hopping like rabbits till the end of this year, make a big a jump to next stage.

We all members will work together to improve our service and respond the customer’s trust. We wish you keep in touch.

We wish your wellness and happiness.

Crystal CO., LTD
All company members


■ 移転先住所



ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、 何卒ご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。

株式会社INDUSTRIAL-X様が主催するビジネスマッチングイベント「Conference X in 名古屋 ~繋がる、拓く~」で社長の蒼佐が討議します。
Conference Xは、累計登録者数2,000名超の日本を代表するDXの祭典で、業界・地域を超えたプレイヤーが集まるカンファレンスです。

名称 »
Conference X in 名古屋

日時 »

当社参加枠 »
セッション4 16:30-17:20
公式サイト »



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【発生日時】2022年7月2日(土) 01:35頃
【復旧日時】2022年7月5日(火) 15:36頃







活動内容は、2015年度より経済産業省主導のもとで「自動車産業におけるモデル利用のあり方に関する研究会*」として実施し、とりまとめてきた、「SURIAWASE2.0*の深化 ~自動車産業におけるMBDの産学官共同戦略的プロジェクトの方針~」を民間主体で継承したものとなります。




ZIP-FM「Startup[N]」に、Notablue Guestとして社長の蒼佐が出演いたします。

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テーマ »



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日本生命保険相互会社様が主催するビジネスマッチングイベント「Nissayビジネスマッチングonline~縁!!2022 in東海~」に出展します。


イベント名 »
Nissayビジネスマッチングonline~縁!!2022 in東海~


しかし、私たちは withコロナ として付き合い方を学んできました。
本年も、withコロナ 共に戦い、打ち勝ってまいりましょう。






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